Alaska Pink Salmon

Alaska Pink Salmon (Humpback)

Pink Salmon

Pink Salmon on the fly.






Pink Salmon, also known as Pinks or Humpbacks, make a plentiful run into the the lower Kenai River in even numbered years. Their semi-annual returns are hard to miss as literally millions of them arrive at once. They fill the river for several weeks and are really very easy to catch. Children love catching them one after another and even adults have been known to join the chaos. Pinks have a high oil content in their meat and are best for eating when just taken out of the saltwater. Pinks are the most abundant salmon species in North America.

•August 1 – September 15 (even years only).

Average Sizes and Records:
•Typically 3 to 6 lbs.
•Largest Alaska Pink Salmon was 12 lbs., 9 oz., Moose River, 1974.

Fishing Gear & Methods:
•Back-Bouncing, Backtrolling, Casting Spinners, flies.